Samstag, 13.7.19 Kantine
Liquified by the heat of electronic music
23 – 5 Uhr
Eintritt: 6 – 8 Euro (Zahl was du kannst)
Techno Party mit
Dennis aka Agyena war eine ganze Weile auch beim Musikverein dabei, aber hat uns längst gen Berlin verlassen und kehrt meist nur für vereinzelte DJ Gigs in der Rakete oder beim Pulsar Festival zurück. Um so mehr freuen wir uns, dass er seine POLYESTER Party nun auch mal in der Kantine veranstaltet.
+ friends
live, opening the night:
MIKEY. is a songwriter and performer born in Newcastle Australia, now living in Berlin by way of New York and London. They have won a place in a striking number of human hearts both for their music and iconic nightlife fashions, both of which travel into uncharted territories of gender and sexuality.
Their songs address unconditional states such as energetic connections on the dancefloor, annihilation in love, and an exploration of immaterial & hidden dimensions. Throughout music, there is an intense longing to be able to connect beyond identity, beyond body and beyond fear. MIKEY. is not positioning themselves inside of anyone’s storyline, but giving flesh to that space where we are no one and all.
We’re happy to have them join us for this edition of POLYESTER with an exclusive live performance at the start of the night! ??